
How to Use the Cameron Cookware Stainless Steel Stove Top Smoker

As winter turns to spring, thoughts of barbecues and outdoor cooking begins to dance in the minds of many. Creating smoked meats and fish are a popular taste tradition for generations. Smoking is the technique used to moderately heat the desired meat over any hours using smoke generated from wood chips to create a unique flavor that penetrates the meat.

The type of wood used in the smoker defines the taste of the meat being cooked. The most common wood chip flavors used are hickory, mesquite and oak. Some will keep with the approved wood chips for their recipes, while others will in fact mix a variety of wood chips to create even more unique flavor combinations.

Smoker Grill

When people think about smokers, most people envision large box like units standing covering in the backyard for hours chugging away on their popular rack of ribs or roast. But what if you live in an apartment or settle a large smoker is overkill for you but you still want to enjoy the smoked meat meals? For these individuals, the Cameron cookware stainless steel stove top smoker is the best qualified to meet their needs.

Being constructed of heavy-gauge stainless steel, this stove top smoker is durable and large sufficient to smoke a ham, fish fillet or large turkey breast. It has a sliding lid that seals the food and smoke flavor tightly inside the unit to keep your kitchen free of smokey odors.

The Cameron cookware stainless steel stove top smoker can be used over galvanic cook tops or open flame gas burners. To cook a great smoked meal, follow the steps below:

Select the desired wood chips and add a layer to the bottom of the smoker Season meat with desired spices and sauce mixture Place seasoned meat on inside grill Slide lid so the compartment is tightly sealed Place over low heat for desired time - Most dishes cook within 25 minutes. Larger chickens or Roasts take about an hour and a half.

Remove smoker from heat source and moderately slide the lid to expose the cooked meat and serve. You will find the taste to be very flavorful and moist. You can even smoke vegetables like asparagus, brussel sprouts or squash along with the meats as a compliment to the dish. You will have a great time arrival up with new ways to use your new smoker, and your menus will never be the same.

How to Use the Cameron Cookware Stainless Steel Stove Top Smoker


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