
Trying to Eat Healthier? - Think Grill

I know, I know - You're probably mental I've gone off the deep end with this. Please, let me explain.

Not everything we do on the grill or smoker has to be ribs, brisket or burgers. There are many different foods we can choose that not only are healthy, but also can be barbecued and taste great too. The following are just a few ideas.

Smoker Grill


Chicken is one of the most popular salutary choices today. It's lean protein and unmistakably done on the grill. That's right, it doesn't have to be dripping in sweet and tangy barbecue sauce every time. Chicken fillets are prime candidates for grilling. Just replace the barbecue sauce with a light salt and pepper, and dust with a minute oregano or dill weed. Or you can use anyone spice that suits you.

This is a great way to eat healthier. Remember, anyone that tastes good baked or fried, tastes even great grilled.


There's nothing great (and great for you, too) than a turkey breast done on the grill. Done with indirect grilling on a rotisserie, this is other appetizing way to eat healthier. You can add some soaked wood chips here also to add to the flavor.


Remember the commercial: Pork - The Other White Meat? It's true, pork can be a salutary option for grilling too. Pork Tenderloin is a great example of this. It's as lean and salutary as chicken.

Pork tenderloin is unmistakably done on the grill. Seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder, it can be grilled indirect style for a appetizing and salutary meal. I also add some soaked hickory chips to the fire for a real smoke flavor.


Fish is all the time carefully to be good for you. There are many different types of fish that are great for grilling. From Tuna to Salmon, Trout to Grouper, fish is undoubtedly something for you to consider. I extremely suggest the use of a "fish basket" when grilling fish. This specialized grilling tool helps keep the fillets from breaking apart while cooking.


I'll bet most people don't even realize that vegetables can be ready on the grill. Grilling brings out the natural plant sugars for a very pleasurable flavor. Not only can you do the accepted veggies that are usually found on a grill like Corn, Tomatoes, Peppers, Onions and Mushrooms, but there are many others that you can do for variety of tastes. Asparagus, Artichokes, Egg Plant and Zucchini are just a few of these choices.

Trying to Eat Healthier? - Think Grill


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